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þriðjudagur, júlí 20, 2004

Everytime I wash my floors ( and that doesn't happen so often ) I start to wonder about lots of weird things if we can call it in that way... Today it happened, both that I washed my floors and got thinking about lots of stuff... I just heard from my friend Guffi that he bought himself a really good looking apartment, I saw the pics and everything and fell immediatly in love with his livingroom, soooo me that livingroom, I am thinking about steeling it and bring it over to my place, the only problem is that I don't really have a " my place " at least not a MY PLACE MY PLACE but just a my place which belongs to other persons... lucky you Guffi I think your livingroom is save then.... My friend Anna also bought herself an apartment so I guess I have to come home again shall we say in october to be able to view all of the new apartments people are buying fjewwww....
Anyways I was talking about strange thoughts and I suddenly realised while I was scrubbing my dirty floors that after all the time studying biology and ecology and physis and chemistry, maybe after one year and so when I hope to finish my studdies I will be so fed up with those subjects that I will not be able to work in the biology / ecology buisness.... goshhhh and what will I do than?  Maybe I will just end up working as a secretery in a big blue office or as a I don't know what, in some place somewhere biology doesn't have absolutly anything to do with my whole day routine... wouldn't that be just great after a lot of time and a LOT of money spent on the biology branch??
I am getting hysterical... please help me....


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