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Birna Picciridda: DARLIN'NÍNA

föstudagur, júlí 16, 2004


There is a very very special day today, because there are 26 years since my freakiest friend Nína was born and I just couldn't be happier about it so I want to send special greetings to her mum and dad 'cause they made sure 26 years ago that I would meet later on this very special gal and for that I am very grateful...so cut the crap.... my dearest Nína, all the things we have done together in these 10 years or so we have known each other... I wouldn't change a thing.. look so forward to see you back home, and I wait for you to organize that tent travel to Þórsmörk je je je I can't wait..... you go to the liquoir store and get a lot of beer and vodka and we are off to sleep in a tent.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE TIL HAMINGJU MEÐ AFMÆLIÐ SNÚSÍDÚLLAN MÍN HAFÐU ÞAÐ GOTT Í DAG..... SMACKKK


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